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Hiển thị 1–30 của 84 kết quả
Bộ xử lý Intel® Core™ i3-4130
Cpu core i3- 7100 (3M bộ nhớ đệm, 3,90 GHz) socket 1151
CPU Core i5-2400 (3.1 GHz, 6M L3 Cache, Socket 1155)
Cpu core i7 8700
cpu i3-8100
cpu i5-8600
CPU Intel Core i3 4160 (3.60GHz, 3M, 2 Cores 4 Threads)
CPU Intel Core i5 3470 (3.60GHz, 6M, 4 Cores 4 Threads)
CPU Intel Core i5-10400
CPU Intel Core i5-6500 3.2 GHz / 6MB / HD 530 Graphics / Socket 1151 (Skylake)
CPU Intel Core i5-8400
CPU Intel Core i5-9400F
CPU Intel Core i7 3770
CPU Intel Core i7 4790 3.6Ghz / 8MB / HD 4600 Graphics / Socket 1150
CPU Intel Core i7 6700 3.4 GHz / 8MB / HD 530 Graphics / Socket 1151
Cpu intel core I7-3770 (3.90GHz, 8M, 4 Cores 8 Threads)
CPU intel core I7-4770(3.4GHz, 8M)
CPU Intel Core I7-7700 (3.6GHz)
CPU Intel Core i7-9700 (8 Cores 8 Threads/ 12MB/ Coffee Lake R)
CPU Intel G3260 3.3Gzh
CPU Intel Pentium G3440 3.3G / 3MB / HD Graphics / Socket 1150
G3420 3.20GHz 3MB Cache
I3 2100 ( 3.10 / 3M / sk 1155 )
I3 2120 ( 3.30 / 3M / sk 1155 )
I3 3210 ( 3.20 3M sk 1155 )
I3 3220 ( 3.40 / 3M / sk 1155 )
I3 3240 ( 3.40 3M sk 1155 )
I5 2320 ( 3.00 / 6M / sk 1155 )
I5 2400 Tray không Fan
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